Why Our Opportunity Positioning Process Works
Thirty years ago when candidates applied for jobs it was often a very competitive process. Employers often had the upper hand because they could choose from a handful of potential candidates that were all competing for the same job. Today the job market has changed.
In today’s hyper-competitive job market, employees are now in the driver’s seat and it’s employers who have to convince potential candidates to work for them. This can be especially challenging for tech companies trying to hire qualified candidates because they are now competing with companies from around the world.
At Experience AI Solutions we use our five-pillar strategic optimization process to help our clients successfully compete with the biggest tech companies and hire top talent.
The second pillar in this process (First Pillar) is called Opportunity Positioning.
Simply put, Opportunity Positioning involves talking with potential candidates to find out not only what kind of job they are looking for, but more importantly what they are looking for in a job.
For example, a potential candidate may need to leave work an hour early every day to pick up their child. If this is the case, we make sure that when we talk with our client that they can accommodate this type of request before they even do the interview. We follow this process because we want to make the job as enticing as possible so that there is a higher chance the potential candidate will accept the job offer.
By following this process our typical acceptance rate by qualified candidates is 81 per cent. This means that more than 80 percent of the time, qualified candidates are excited to accept our clients’ offers and in turn our clients fill the position.
The reason this process works so well is because when we begin to vet a potential candidate we try to establish a relationship that is built on trust and respect. This often involves several conversations and in-person meetings to truly understand the type of job a candidate is looking for and what their needs and wants are.
This is important because the majority of qualified candidates will have two or three job offers to choose from so everything we can do to help our client sweeten the deal will make it that much harder for them to walk away from.
The key to making this process work is establishing a rapport with the potential candidate so we can find out exactly what it is they are looking for and then relay that information to our client. In the event our client can’t accommodate a candidate’s request then we simply move onto another candidate that is better aligned with our client’s policies and expectations. This helps to ensure we are sending candidates that are not only qualified for the job, but also more likely to accept the job offer.
While this might seem logical, most recruitment companies fail to establish a meaningful relationship with candidates and in doing so miss the opportunity to find out what a candidate is truly looking for. This small, but important step has proven to be enormously helpful for both our candidates and our clients and is why so many tech and software companies choose to work with Experience AI Solutions.
If you are a senior hiring manager that struggles to seal the deal and hire top talent, we’re here to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us so we can help you attract and retain the right talent for your company or project.
Martin Lavoie is Vice President, Sales and Finance at Experience AI Solutions. With over 18 years in the Information Technology talent industry plus 10 years in network management, Martin manages client initiatives for our networked team of Account Managers. As founder of the company, he has been instrumental in growing Experience’s account base; helping hundreds of valued clients increase their project proficiencies